octad Nov 28, 2008 21:34
you all look so damn tasty, ur a fgt, needs fraccion sauce, come on. just a little nibble, gdit so huuuungrrrry, technically still alive so stfu, blame aizen ffffff, wants souls, om nom times, oh bb aizen-sama
octad Oct 15, 2008 20:21
just gonna negate this one little thing, you all look so damn tasty, do want, fffffff, so much dumb. so little time, not interested in yoooooou, all sorts of evil up in here, comes with a side dish of smug, well someone has to, can't help being smarter than you guys, ur a fgt, come on. just a little nibble, technically still alive so stfu, blame aizen ffffff, bitches be hatin', ttly superior, would have prefered a choice in this, kind of a superiority complex